The Mission

The Peak Midwifery Collective firmly believes that the midwife model of care is right for every woman.  The midwifery model of care has been shown time and again to improve birth outcomes for mother and baby both physically and emotionally.  Our goal with this collective is to improve access to this type of care.

The PMC employs the “group model” of care.  This means that the midwives rotate call and also rotate appointments, ensuring that all clients of the PMC have a chance to get to know each midwife.  This model has the advantage to the client of having the wisdom and expertise of many midwives to draw from, as well as the assurance that the midwives who attend her birth will be familiar.

The group model of care also allows us to offer a low-cost Essential care package to those clients who want a homebirth but find the cost prohibitive.  The vast majority of homebirth midwives in Colorado are Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs).  Unfortunately, federal regulations make it impossible for Colorado CPMs to contract with Tricare insurance, and the restrictions that Colorado’s Medicaid program places on its contracted providers makes it impossible for us to provide the personalized high quality care we value. With the average household income in Colorado Springs lying below the cut-off for Medicaid eligibility for a pregnancy care, and 5 military bases in El Paso County, this represents a significant population who often find it financially difficult to afford the services of a privately practicing CPM since they face paying the entire fee out of pocket.  The Peak Midwife Collective attempts to alleviate this burden by offering a care package at a significantly reduced rate.