How can I afford a midwife and homebirth?

We understand that most people don’t have a bunch of extra cash just lying around.  But we also firmly believe that working to have the care and birth you want is worth it!  Click here to see a whole list of ideas to help you plan to afford the birth experience that you are dreaming of.     

Why doesn’t the PMC take Medicaid?

The short answer is that we can’t afford it, and neither can the clientele we serve!   Unfortunately, the restrictions that Health First Colorado, Colorado’s Medicaid program places on their contracted providers along with the abysmal reimbursement rates they offer means we have chosen not to work them.  Instead, we strive to make quality, personalized care as affordable as possible with this model of care. 

How do we hire the collective?

Please contact us to set up an no-obligation interview.  You can ask questions, get a feel for how a group-practice model of care works, and get to know us.  Once you’re ready to start care, simply give us a call to set up your first appointment.  

Can I choose who will attend my birth?

The way we can keep our prices affordable is by using the group model of practice with a rotating call schedule.  This means you cannot choose who will be at your birth.  However, we also rotate appointment schedules, so you should meet each midwife before your birth.  You will have familiar faces at your birth.  

Are there any discounts offered?

The Essential Care Package provides every service needed to have a safe and fulfilling homebirth.  It represents a 40% or more discount from the typical private-practice fee of a CPM in El Paso County, so there is no further discount.